Until now, we have recognized the existence of a Creator, acknowledged that the countless blessings bestowed upon us serve a purpose, and understood that we must seek a standard beyond mere human whims, desires, or social norms to distinguish right from wrong. At this juncture, we realize that our questions, which reason alone cannot fully answer, require a source that transcends human efforts. This source is the Creator’s direct communication to humanity—revelation.

While it is true that the human intellect can interpret the signs inscribed in the grand “book” of the universe, it cannot, on its own, fully grasp the profound truths behind the veil of the unseen. Like a traveler lost in a dark forest who yearns for a guiding lantern, humanity needs a guiding light to illuminate its inward and outward worlds. This guiding light is the Creator’s message, which addresses the human soul, conscience, and heart, leading us to true understanding.

Divine guidance serves to remind humanity of the original instructions it may have neglected or forgotten. After all, in this grand palace of the cosmos, we are honored guests equipped with lofty faculties—intellect, heart, and spirit. To comprehend the palace’s furnishings, laws, and subtle intricacies; to fulfill our responsibilities and duties toward its Owner, we need a direct message from Him. Throughout human history, a continuous stream of revelation has acted as this essential “guidebook.”

History testifies to the arrival of numerous prophets, each an exemplary figure appointed to illuminate the obscure dimensions of human thought, to channel minds absorbed solely in material concerns toward noble aims and ideals. These prophets did not merely instruct on moral conduct; they served as bearers of a truth that transforms human life, directing it toward everlasting happiness. They were not ordinary teachers, but divine messengers entrusted with imparting insights that no human mind could independently uncover.

The last Prophet and the final revealed scripture represent a culmination of this guidance, addressing not just a single community or era, but speaking to all of humanity. This final message is universal—untethered to any particular race, region, or period. It offers a perspective extending from eternity past to eternity future, unveiling realities beyond life’s fleeting moments and preparing the human spirit for the everlasting realm to come.

At this point, human free will comes into play. Divine guidance proposes but never compels. By freely choosing to embrace truth, employing reason and conscience rightly, a person passes the test of this earthly life. Now, the traveler finds a clear path ahead: illuminated by the language of the universe, the declarations of divine revelation, and the model set by the prophets, each step brings the seeker closer to their ultimate purpose.

This guidance also sets forth a clear measure for discerning good from evil. Goodness aligns with our created purpose, elevating us and preparing us for our eternal homeland. Evil, by contrast, runs counter to that purpose, distancing us from our true essence, constricting our inner world, and shackling us to fleeting desires. The divine message draws a definitive line between these two paths, purifying the heart, mind, and conscience, and directing them toward the true source of tranquility and happiness.

In this way, a person no longer raises empty hands before the vast scenery of the universe. Inwardly and outwardly, guided by the Creator’s words, they know where they are headed. Through the illumination provided by divine revelation, the meaning of the “book of the cosmos” is deciphered; the enigma of existence is resolved. The radiant truths answer that persistent question, “Why am I here?” offering a firm anchor to souls lost amid worldly clamor.

Armed with this guidance, one infuses life with purpose. Actions are shaped by a higher aim, and even temporary blessings are recognized as bearing the signature of the Eternal Giver. No longer a mere “being,” the human becomes a “conscious guest” in this grand cosmos. They know that their presence in this palace has meaning, purpose, and a goal. Under the light of divine guidance, the journey of existence is filled with meaning and peace. Thus, life’s transient phase transforms into a bridge leading to everlasting happiness, as the individual offers gratitude for bestowed blessings, follows the prophetic example, and ultimately reaches the enduring abode of true contentment.