When a person opens their eyes, they encounter a magnificent cosmic exhibition. The stars in the night sky serve as delicate lanterns, and by day the sun illuminates all things. Rain waters the earth, prompting the soil to yield fruits, grains, and innumerable blessings. The wind offers a soothing coolness. Trees cleanse the atmosphere with their lush leaves and grace our taste buds with their fruits. We look at our hands, feet, eyes, tongue, intellect, and soul—and countless other physical and spiritual faculties—and realize that their worth is immeasurable. Faced with such generously bestowed blessings, one naturally wonders: “What does the Creator, who has given me so much, expect from me in return?”

Gratitude and Recognition

The first thing God expects from His servants is to recognize Him and appreciate His blessings. Just as we remember and thank someone who gives us a valuable gift, people are expected to feel gratitude toward the One who has bestowed countless favors. Gratitude is not merely saying “Thank you” with the tongue. True gratitude involves using each blessing in accordance with its purpose, remembering the Giver, and admiring His artistry and power. For instance, the eye expresses gratitude when it observes the beauty of creation and reads the Creator’s artistry. If the eye is used to gaze upon wrongdoing, it contradicts the very reason it was given.

Obedience and Adherence to Commands

God asks people to heed the prophets sent as guides and to pay attention to the messages contained in the revealed scriptures. By living in the light of divine guidance, individuals find personal tranquility and contribute to a harmonious society. Just as a teacher provides lessons to students, God has sent prophets as “life manuals” for humanity. By following these divine instructions, people attain happiness both in this world and in the hereafter. Acting justly, showing mercy, being charitable, speaking truthfully, and upholding moral integrity are forms of servitude that please God.

Worship as an Expression of Servitude

Worship is the practical expression of one’s gratitude, love, and devotion to God. Prayers, fasting, almsgiving, and pilgrimage are, in essence, acts of deliberate obedience and thankfulness. Just as we treat a valuable gift with care and remember the giver fondly, following the commands of worship prescribed by God demonstrates a servant’s gratitude and dedication.

Valuing Blessings Properly

A believer understands that each blessing contains hidden wisdom. The intellect is not given merely for everyday interests, but to seek truth and comprehend the meaning behind existence. The tongue is not only for savoring flavors but also to speak truth, to uplift others, to encourage what is right, and to spread truth. The heart is not just a seat of joy and sorrow, but the source of compassion, love, and kindness. Each limb, organ, and faculty is a signpost guiding the human being toward the Creator. God wants us to follow these signs along the right path.

Seeing Worldly Life as a Field to Cultivate

God desires that we view this worldly life as a testing ground and prepare for the eternal life to come. Just as a farmer plants seeds in the soil, expecting a harvest later, humans should sow the seeds of faith, worship, morality, service, and kindness here and now. The harvest will be reaped after death. At that time, we will see the results of the seeds we have planted. Thus, God expects effort, patience, perseverance, and the capacity to discern right from wrong. True justice, truth, and righteousness will find their perfect fulfillment in the afterlife. Every good deed in this world serves as an investment in our eternal happiness.

Opening One’s Heart to Noble Values

God wants human beings to open their hearts to lofty virtues. Qualities such as mercy, compassion, justice, altruism, patience, humility, honesty, and righteousness refine the soul. These attributes not only make a person a constructive member of society, they also bring them closer to their Creator. Thus, one establishes a more harmonious relationship with all of creation, views everything as a trust from God, avoids wastefulness and harmful habits, and refrains from harming other creatures.

In Conclusion

In short, what God asks from His servants is that they know Him, remain connected to Him, wisely use the blessings they have been given, show gratitude, follow His revealed guidance, and cultivate good character. By doing so, a person infuses life with meaning and proceeds through the journey of eternity with peace. Such a way of life aligns human existence with its true purpose, leading to genuine happiness, authentic prosperity, and lasting tranquility. This ideal is affirmed by both our inherent nature and sound reason.