Let’s take a moment to observe the world around us: The sun rises each morning in a precise pattern, only to give way to the stars at night. The seasons follow one after another in a fixed sequence. A seed, hidden in the darkness of the soil, never tires of seeking its path upward and eventually emerges into the open air. A tiny egg transforms into a bird with magnificent wings that can soar through the sky.

In the midst of this grand order, a human being stands, equipped with both a mind that thinks and a heart that questions. At this very point, one question arises: Who established this magnificent order? Our reason tells us: “A building does not exist without a builder, a book without an author, or a painting without a painter.”

If we find meaningful sentences and carefully arranged themes on every page of a book, did it appear by itself? Certainly not. We immediately understand that a conscious intelligence, a will, and a sense of artistry must be at work. Now consider the universe as a colossal book, with innumerable complementary living beings, flawlessly operating natural events, and marvelously fine-tuned laws of physics. Could all of these “sentences” have emerged by chance? Should we not assume the existence of an all-knowing and all-powerful “Author” who arranged them?

Think about a fruit tree that, in its season, produces colorful, juicy, sweet fruits. Is it mere coincidence that the nutrients, aroma, and taste inside that fruit perfectly match our needs? Our bodies are designed to benefit from this fruit’s nourishment. Such a perfect compatibility directs our gaze toward the unseen backdrop of existence.

Moreover, our inner world stands as additional evidence. Concepts like justice, mercy, beauty, and goodness do not simply appear out of nowhere. These values reflect a guiding source, the subtle craftsmanship of a Creator. Scientists who study the universe, from the tiniest atoms to the vast galaxies, discover unerring rules, mathematical balances, and delicate measurements everywhere. This flawless harmony cannot logically be self-generated. Just as a masterpiece of engineering requires skilled builders, detailed plans, and meticulous calculations, the universe’s remarkable functioning demands a being endowed with infinite knowledge and will.

Furthermore, human beings do not simply ask, “Why am I here?” with their minds; their hearts ask too. We seek happiness, peace, and relief from meaninglessness. In a random existence, these spiritual needs would remain unsatisfied. Yet, believing in a Creator brings meaning to life: A person is not a wandering creature adrift on a random planet. Instead, they are a valued guest, purposefully brought into existence and thoughtfully equipped. Such belief satisfies both the intellect and the heart.

For these reasons, even by looking at the natural world, a person can sense the existence of a Creator. Every detail on Earth, every star in the sky, every feeling within us, every harmony we observe—these all lead us to one conclusion: Such a magnificent work cannot be without a master. Believing in such a Creator not only explains the great secret of existence but also opens the doors to a meaningful life.